Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Journal 1837-1861/ Henry David Thoreau

"June.16.1854. Heart-leaf. Nymphea odorata. Agian i scent the white water-lily, and a season i had waited for is arrived. how indespensible all these experiences to make up the summer! It is the emblem of purity, and its scent sugests it. Growing in stagnant and muddy water, it burst up so pure and fair to the eye an so sweet to the scent, as if to show us what purity and sweetness reside in, and can be extracted from, the slime and muck of the earth. i think i have plucked the first one that has opened for a mile at least. what confirmation of our hopes is in the fragrance of the water-lily!" (266)

I loved this quote. I feel that Thoreau is not only speaking about the ugly things in nature (i.e. muddy, stagnant water), but also about people in general. The way i translated this quote was that if he can find beautiful things such as water lillies in ugly, muddy, stagnant water- he can also find beautiful good things in people too. I feel liek he is saying that no matter how mean, or crueal someone may be, they still have the ability to possess some good in them. Thoreau, to me, feels like everyone is capable of being a great person. he finds comfort in the water lily becuase it reminds him that if this gorgeous flower can come from ugly, his hopes for the good of the people wont die becuase he knows that some good can come from the worst.

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