Monday, April 5, 2010

Wilderness Letter

I took some quotes and phrases from Stegners "Wilderness Letter" to David Pesonen that i really liked and made alot of sense to me. Sometimes i can consider myself ignorant to all the dangers that we as humans subject to nature..and after reading this, i feel that as a mother i probably should be more aware of our surrounding and the ways taht i can contribute to conserving our nature becuase if nobody ever does anything my child will probably not have any natural surrouding to live in.

"..if we permit the last virgin forest to be turned into comic books and plastic cigarette cases; if we drive the few remaining members of the wild species into zoos or to extinction; if we pollute the last clear air and dirty the last clean streams and push our paved roads through the last of the silence, so that never again will American be free in their own country from the noise, the exhausts, the stinks of human and automotive waste."

Here Stegner is simply emphasizing the importance of nature in our lives. he stresses the fact that if things continue to be the way they are, soon we wont have animals to reproduce for our enjoyment, and we wont have natural landscapes that one can escape to to relax and rest from our daily hectic lives. i agree, all the exhausts are killing our ozone, and the growing population and over development is leaving animals without a home. i feel that as human beings sometimes we don't respect nature as we should. i also agree when he says that soon all the development is going to grow out into the silent and calm places we run to be alone and feel at ease.

" It seems to me significant that the distinct downturn in our literature from hope to bitteness took place alomst at the precise time when the frontier officially came to an end, in 1890, and when the American way of life had begun to turn strongly urban and industrial."

Good literature, requires good nature. Nature is what many writers use to get inspired. With no conserved natural resources writers will be left with an industrail world filled with technology and exhausts as inspiration.

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